Kiam will be appearing as part of the Thriving Virtual Summit:
Thursday, Feb 4
12pm – 6pm est
2020 was about surviving. 2021 is about THRIVING! Taking all the lessons you’ve learned and using that to increase your impact, positive influence and income. This virtual summit is for conscious entrepreneurs, leaders and professionals who want to have holistic success in their lives, businesses/careers and relationships.
Limited availability! Sign up and save your seat for free now!
The role of the artist, the magician, the prophet, and each individual, is to bring about change in the world through one’s own personal transformations, revolutions, and revelations.
As an artist who is also a person of color, Asian American, Filipino immigrant, US Navy veteran, gender-fluid, and decidedly queer, my work exists within these contexts but is not bound by them. I use a multidisciplinary approach in my research and art making. I develop a conceptual ecosystem in which my works function in myriad ways, informing one another. I create photos, installations, videos, and performances. I work collaboratively with local artists, dancers, musicians, and organizers. I foster relationships within my communities, and relish in our blossoming. By working with others, we come to know and become more ourselves.
I look towards the future and feel its inertia – the momentum that propels us into infinite uncharted moments, carrying the past forward.
– Kiam Marcelo Junio